Sunday, April 22, 2012

Larry Pool and Silver Star Redux

There has been a lot of talk about the "outing" of Larry Pool's involvement in the Silver Star bar in Alvarado and the entertainment by the Cowtown Hotties and the "midget wrestlers". The latter exhibition attended by children as young as 12 as documented in pictures taken by the Hottie’s own scheduler.

Susan Cloud, a Burleson resident and producer of the morning talk show at WBAP, asked Mr. Pool to respond to some information that she had been given about his involvement in the Silver Star bar. She gave him nearly two weeks and he didn't respond so she posted her information with pictures and supporting documentation on her Face book page. This is her post – pictures are for mature audiences.

Mr. Pool cried foul and accused her of slander and demanded that she apologize. I re-posted her story as did others. I also looked deeper into the situation and found that everything she said was true.

 Mr. Pool posted as a defense  two documents that were supposed to "prove" her wrong.  

However, one his documents was just a change in Registered Agent and the other a copy of the tax statement showing the property was owned by Homes-N-Land, LLC, which is Larry's Pool's corporation. The other  document showed the business entity was owned by "Silver Star". He says that mean he doesn’t own the business. However, you will see that the Secretary of State will disagree with him; he is the only Director and Member of Silver Star.

While Mr. Pool apparently submitted documents on two occasions showing a change in Governing Person, he or his agent (Rogers Law Firm) later submitted Public Information Reports (PIR) showing that he and he alone remains the Director and only member of Silver Star Click here.  Whether the PIR was filed out correctly or not, one thing is certain:   he was attempting to prove a change of ownership with a document that did not carry that meaning. That is dishonest, deceptive and just plain wrong.  It means that he thinks people are too stupid to know the difference.

Now, Mr. Pool has been attempting to dismiss Ms. Cloud's information. He doesn't think that he has to answer any questions asked by anyone. Apparently, he has made sure that the Burleson Star doesn't ask him any questions.  The Texas Patriot Tea Party that is backing him doesn't want to ask any questions. Two elected representatives, Rob Orr a State Representative and Bill Flores, a U.S. Senator both are apparently ignoring this information. Everyone seems to be happy with Mr. Pool’s dishonesty. What does that say about their character?  

This saddens me as it means there is no outlet for the average voter to learn that a candidate has represented himself to be one thing and apparently is something else.

In my opinion, I think Mr. Pool bought a building and some land in 2009. The filing of a Certificate of Formation  10-27-2009 with the State of Texas and in the  name Silver Star Event Hall, LLC stated the purpose was a "nightclub" (bottom of page 3) There is no question; this is a fact.  Mr. Pool registered the name Silver Star for a web address on 1-9-2010. He filed a franchise tax report on 5-11-2010. This report listed him and another name on the original formation documents as Director and Member.

 Then for some reason, he decided that it was something he didn't” have time for” so he supposedly”sold” it to his attorney, Calvin Rogers. Could this have been when he decided to become President of the Burleson Chamber of Commerce? Could it be co-incidental that his political ambition in a conservative city was born at the same time that he was opening a bar?

 Mr. Pool’s attorney took over as Registered Agent on 8-3-2010 and two days later became the only Governing Person.  It was only a matter of a few months before the attorney found two other people to take over as Governing Person effective December 1, 2010.  

However, why on 12-31 2010 did he file a Public Information Report (PIR) with the Secretary of State stating an effective date of 2-11-2011?  This report showed Mr. Pool again as the sole Director and Member. Because he bought it back? The others didn't pay? He really never changed the ownership but wanted it to look like he did for a while?? To make it more astounding and less likely that this was the result of a mistake is the fact that another Franchise Tax filing was made on 5-5-2011, again showing Mr. Pool as sole Director and Member. This was followed by the filing of another PIR on 12-31-2011. Again Pool was listed  as the sole Director and Member. This time the effective date was listed as 8-22-2011. That is the last document that has been filed. Click Here. . Another Franchise tax filing is due early in May, 2012. Whose name will be on this one? I guess we will see.

Now, some may feel that this is a non-issue. After posting Ms. Cloud’s post exposing his ownership, I was blasted by some of the Cowtown Hottie’s fan club.  They didn’t see anything wrong with the entertainment and defended Mr. Pool. But, how can misrepresentation of your character be a non issue? Mr. Pool has made much out of being a "conservative". He brags about his belief in “traditional family values” as well as Judeo-Christian values. Yet, prior to his stint as President of the Burleson Chamber and his current campaign, he decided to open a bar. I personally don’t see that choice lining up with his value system. Not that I think you can’t drink or dance, but I can’t believe that Mr. Pool having had his values for so long and practicing them so ardently, didn’t have a good understanding of what kind of  activity traditionally goes on in a bar. 

Could Mr. Pool be so innocent that he doesn't know about wet tee shirt parties, 2 for 1 drinks, dancing girls, bikini contests, etc..?   I would think that he would knows that bars over serve people all the time and those people get into cars and drive home. Morally, how does he think that it is Christian to be a part of enabling that kind of activity? He may not have known that the Silver Star allowed children to attend events at the bar even though the website states they have to be 18 or over. He may not have known that the Cowtown Hotties were dancing during their bikini contest or that they were making it easy for audience members to "touch them on their buttocks", but then again, should he have known? Is that really responsible ownership as a lease holder as he purports to be?  

 He says that when he became aware of the behavior that “went against his family values that [he] stands for” he took action and closed the bar. Now, am I the only one that can’t understand how he can shut down a bar that he doesn’t own? So, is he saying that as the owner of the property, he maintained control over activity that went on there? Is he saying that had he known that there was such activity, he would have done something about it? The bar is in Alvarado. This was six months ago. How hard would it have been to know what was going on? You are running for Mayor and you don’t even wonder what is happening on your property? 

Maybe he doesn't wear women's clothes, but he might as well have, as he is not who he portrays himself to be.

Just sayin'


P.S. This was Susan's response to Larry's call for an apology:
This video has very risqué and adult content with all activity taking place at the Silver Star Bar.

 Susan’s second video about Mr. Pool’s flip flops on his positions:

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