Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Truth is Free

"All too often in politics today, elections are marred by negative advertising and innuendo about candidates. During my 2010 race for Congress, my opponent spent millions of dollars on negative advertising; and, as a result, I have a firsthand view of what it is like to be on the ‘receiving end’ of this type of behavior. Unfortunately, some of this behavior has arisen in this race and I am disappointed by the allegations being made about Larry. I want the citizens of Burleson to know that I think that Larry is a fine man, who has run his businesses properly and I consider the negative comments about him to be unfair and inappropriate.” Quote from U.S. Representative Bill Flores in the Cleburne Times Review -

Perhaps when the next financial reports are due, we can look to see how much Larry Pool paid for that endorsement. I post this here to make a point. No money has been spent to tell the truth about Larry Pool. Ken Shetter hasn't paid one dime to me or Susan Cloud to tell the truth about Larry Pool and the Silver Star Bar. Citizens in the Burleson Community learned of Pool ownership of Silver Star and  made it public. He tried to disassociate himself from it by posting a useless document that meant nothing in regards to who owned and operated the bar. Mr. Pool is the sole Director and member of Silver Star Event Hall, LLC. The business that had the entertainment shown in Ms. Cloud's Facebook post and her Video took place in Silver Star bar. He cannot run away from it. If I have to take an ad out myself in the paper to publish this information, I will do so.

I want to make it clear that I believe that Pool attempted to hide his ownership of the bar because he wanted to get into politics in a conservative city. If he wants to disprove that, then he needs to show a bill of sale for his business to the people that bought it and then show why he is still the Director and only member of the enitity that he formed. He filed the documents saying he was Director - twice. If it is not true, then he is guilty of a misdomeaner for filing a false report. If he filed the report or caused it to be filed and knew that it was false information, then he is guilty of a state jail felony. 

He can put this to rest by showing the documents that actually show the sale and then explaining why he filed documents with the Secretary of State stating otherwise. If he doesn't want to do that, then I will file a complaint with the Secretary of State's office and he can explain it to them.

Mr. Pool is the one that has been telling untruths to the community about himself. Representative Orr and Flores just bought in and lied to you as well. There is no evidence of any kind that Pool has been successful at "balancing budgets and controlling debt." He has not released any information about his private business dealings. He has numerous corporations. Who knows how much debt he has as a real estate speculator? He has had one corporation suspended twice for not paying Franchise tax and for not having a registered agent on file. What do we really know about Mr. Pool's ability to be successful?

We can look at his one year on the City Council. Mr. Pool was elected with the idea or controlling debt and managing the budget. I don't recall any news reporting that described Mr. Pool asking to put debt on the agenda to discuss reducing it. In fact, I think he voted to increase it.  I don't recall anytime that he pounded the table with his shoe insisting that debt be reduced. I don't even recall him voting "no" on the budget that he likes to complain about. If he didn't have it in him to vote against the budget then exactly why would you expect that he would do so any other time. No, this is about control and getting credit for things done by others.

At the Tea Party Forum in March, Pool stated without any hesitation, that "The Brick should never have been built". Yet, as Susan Cloud so aply showed in her last video, there was Pool holding ballons at the grand opening of the Brick supporting Mayor Shetter. I would have thought that a man as "principled" as Pool would have gone on record as opposing the opening of the Brick; maybe even not being present to "make a point". That would have been a man of integrity; showing consistency. That, however, is not the man that we see opposing the current Mayor.

It's a good thing that Bill Flores will not be representing Burleson in the next election, due to re-districting. I would have to campaign against him if he had opposition. If he doesn't, I could wait.

Just Sayin'


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