Monday, March 28, 2011

You Can Always Find a Knuckle Head When You Need One

Well, the Yong Republicans came out with the revelation of the entire 2011 Legislative Session, didn't they?
Yep, they announced that Teachers and Administrators are now at a 1:1 ratio! That's right, all those people in the lunch room, driving buses, cleaning the bathrooms, and mowing the lawns are now adminstrators. I bet they are wondering where their salary went. One thing for sure, the average administrator salary will be going down for the first time in years! Can you believe it? I'm sure the Tea Party crowd have been cringing all week wondering how they are are going to over-come this dufas act and be taken seriously again. Wasn't it bad enough that Lt. Governor Dewhurst thumbed his nose at them and announced this weekend that "they", I guess meaning the legislature as a whole, can fully fund education, and even add to it, fully fund higher education, Medicaid and keep all those prisoners locked up by just sweezing out a little more investment out of the Texas Land Foundation, sell off some unused state land and cut other things that he just knows they are gonna pull out of a closet no one has looked in for two years. Dewhurst just delivered that statement like he had never heard of a Tea Party. Shoot, the Tea Party doesn't even want the Legislature to use the Rainy Day Fund (the vote is tomorrow in the House, I think). You think they want to sell off land??? We might need that land when the dollar fails to build bunkers on to keep roaving New Englanders from stealing our beef jerky. So, I can't wait to see what is going to happen now with the Tea Party group. We will probably see an "encouragement rally any day now at the State Capitol". They use the description "encouragement rally" because they don't want to be confused with those rioting union thugs" when they threaten to break arms and knock heads if someone doesn't do what they say.... But I digress.

But, if you think the Tea Party crowd have it bad, just think about how embarrassing it is for the educators who taught those Young Republicans how to add, subtract, divide and multiply. The only spin that I can think of in this situation is, "Do you want our kids today to turn out like those Young Republicans that went to school when there was only one administrator for five teachers?" After all, they couldn't get a ride to school, no one fed them breakfast or lunch while they were learning, and they had to wade through all that trash and high grass  to get into the building.

Just sayin'


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