Thursday, March 31, 2011

Death Panels in Texas??

How much will it cost us to recover from the financial impact of the cuts being made in the Texas Legislature? The Burleson Star actually had an interesting article by Lee Hamilton on their Editorial page Wednesday. Hamilton has served 34 years in the U.S. House of Representatives from the state of Indiana. I didn't even look up if he was an R or a D. It didn't matter. What he said was the truth for either party when they win elections lately.

The article was about the general topic of pollitical "over-reach". My application of that concept is that the Republican win that created a huge majority in the Texas House is being interpreted by the Tea Party and those controlled by them as a mandate to do their extremist agenda in a extremely conservative state. Pre-legislative polls said what the people of Texas wanted and what they didn't want. They didn't want education and health care for children, elderly and disabled cut. Yet, what are these politicians doing; they are in Austin, doing exactly that. (To see info about these polls seem my February posts "....Make'm Listen".)

The issue of "no new taxes" applies to Washington because they have been spending like drunken sailors. That is not the case in Texas. The recession does not need to be dealt with the same in Texas as it is in Washington. Yet, the Texas Tea Party crowd wants more blood out of that ole turnip. Not one of their priorities involves education. Yet, they say they care about education. The Tea Party complained that Obama's health plan had provision for "death panels". Simply put, there would be groups of select individuals that would decide who got treatment and who didn't. Then those deemed too old, too insignificant, or too poor would get counseled that it was best to accept their prognosis and go on and die. This week, the Texas Legislature decided that the expected 2000 new HIV+ patients in the next bienium that need help paying for life sustaining medications will be out of luck - they won't be funded. It's the same "death panel" concept minus the counseling.

Why doesn't that outrage us?? Because it is HIV? Because their behavior led to their illness? You know, some people get HIV in a very unknowing and innocent way such as an unfaithful spouse, a blood transfusion, needle pricks, etc... Not everyone engaged in risky behavior that is in need of the very very expensive, life-saving drugs. Politically, it is easier to save Grandma's nursing home payment than an HIV+'s person's life. Both are important.

Interestingly, I've found that some  TexasTea Party groups  have prayer pages on their blogs and websites. Some posted prayers for God to bring back the principles our great County was founded on. I agree. But, maybe they should be praying that HE bring back their compassion as well.

Just sayin'


P.S. IF you haven't read my post about the truth about the Burleson ISD as opposed to the untruths told by the Texas Patriot Tea Party during the TRE election in October 2010, please read my post, "You Want the Truth?...". It's long but the links are important to read.

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