Sunday, May 13, 2012

Over the Moon, Alice! Over the Moon!

Well, just got home and able to post about our big victory tonight!! The Watch Party started at 9:00 p.m. and the throught of the results not being available until 11:30 p.m. at the latest was a bit discouraging, but not half as bad as still sitting there at 11:30 p.m. and hearing it might be 12:00 midnight. It was 12:45 a.m. when we finally heard the first screams of joy from a nameless supporter. Then it was pandemonium at JJ's Oyster Bar!! IT was like the "Kiss and Cry" room in the ice skating event at the Winter Olympics!

I have never been to a "Watch Party" per se, before. Even when I ran for office, I never had one. I just went up to the polls and hung out and waited. When I won, it was crazy!!! You wanted so bad to talk to people to hug and yes, cry. So, it was crazy to finally be at one and get to do all the things I missed.!! It was great!! Living vicariously through someone else's Watch Party... weird.

Ken and Beverly were so gracious! They were excited of course and they were grateful. Totally giving credit to others and totally indifferent that it was their names on the ballot and not ours-people voted for them not us!. Ken gave a bit of a speech standing on a chair. There were hoots and yelling and applause! It was fantastic! The firemen were excited as this was their first endorsement as an organization and they were proud and happy. They were great by the way. They did a lot of door knocking and walking to get out the vote for Ken, Ronnie, and Matt. They deserved the alcolades they had heaped on them! Oh, the media was there too! JR Labbe of the Ft. Worth Star Telegram and John Haden from the Cleburne Times Review was waiting for the late breaking story! I guess the B Star guy was hanging out with the Pool group! Maybe they had better entertainment.

Everyone at the Watch Party  had been a support to the candidates, specially to Ken and Beverly. By this time, Ronnie had given up and went home, not too much earlier. There was talk that he might have a run-off but nope, he kicked it hard and won with over 50%. Ronnie beat me once, but I am glad to say it wasn't by more than 30 votes!! I think that was how many it was. As time goes by, that spread gets smaller, in a few years, I will have it down to me winning! :)

Anyway, this race was about "common sense" in the words of the Mayor. Common sense that a 3 year resident with one year of service on the council doesn't come into  town and take over and tell everyone else what they are doing wrong.. That is just wrong, especially when they are wrong. You want to change things, be honest and say what you want to change and don't just tell part of the story.

I moved here in 1974 and there are times I still feel like a new comer. My grand kids may one day feel like a Burlesonite, because they have grandparents that live here. There are too many people coming in and think they know more than anyone that was born and raised here. I don't think you have to have three generations here to be influential, but at least take some time and get to know the community. Spend some time learning before you try to take over. Then the most important thing is, don't think everyone is stupid because some of them are!

Those folks that attended forums and read the interviews in the newspapers knew the vote was a "no-brainer". It was obvious as to who was the more prepared and the best candidates. I am grateful that there some conservatives who still think for themselves and use their own brains to make decisions.  I know some of my conservative friends did just that. Apparently many other conservatives crossed over and voted for Ken Shetter because it was common sense to do so. In all the races, there is just NO substitute for experience. Those that had experience won and those that didn't lost.

I'm just over the moon, Alice!! Over the moon!!

Just sayin'

Ann Rose

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